JAS Spirit

School Mascot and House System
In 2011, Principal Lee Venditti initiated the idea of creating a school mascot to facilitate the building of school spirit and to reflect the school’s goals and vision. Ms. Samantha Ngan, the school’s Guidance counselor and English teacher, took on the leadership role in organizing a school-wide campaign for the project. The students submitted three logos: the Phoenix, the Tiger, and the Flame. After an intense day of voting, “The Flame” was selected as the winning entry. ‘The Flame’ symbolizes purity and the endeavor for perfection. In addition to making ‘The Flame’ the school mascot, a school motto was also developed: Ut illustro cum sapienta et scientia. Translated from Latin it means: ‘to illuminate us with wisdom and knowledge.’
House System
The House System at J. Addison School is designed to encourage both community as well as friendly competition between students, all in the context of a supportive, inclusive environment. At J. Addison, the house system has many benefits. The houses provide not only an increased feeling of identity and belonging, but they also provide students with a sense of tradition and leadership opportunities. Our school features four distinct houses, and at each grade level there is a student government representative leading the House. The Official “Head of the House” is a faculty member, in a moderator role. Each house is named after a famous historical figure.

Cartier House

Secord House

Tecumseh House