J. Addison School – nurturing tomorrow’s thinkers

J. Addison School

J. Addison School

nurturing tomorrow’s thinkers

Five tips to prepare before traveling to Canada for school year

For those of you who plan to study in Canada, first day of school is approaching and you might be stressed about this Back to School season. To help you out, we have created a short list of suggestions for you.

  1. Practice English as much as possible.  Improve your language proficiency by listening to podcasts and watching TV series or movies. This will give you confidence in the classroom but also with your classmates. Socializing and building a network in your new place is essential for your success.
  1. Understand Canadian culture.  Go and search for Canadian cultural traditions, customs and values.  This will prepare you to expect differences. Being open and aware of these differences is key on how to adapt faster.
  1. Get to know your school.  Go through J Addison School website and social media platforms. Learn about your future location, courses, services, school life and extracurricular activities.  Find something that interest you and ask about joining clubs, teams or groups.
  1. Prepare First Day questions.  As you go through all of the above, write down any questions that may arise about classes, teachers, school policies, extracurricular activities or even entertainment and daily life. Remember there are only good questions and for sure there will be someone else with the same question as you so you may be helping someone else by asking.
  1. Stay positive.  Be open to your new environment, maintain curiosity and a spirit of exploration.  Remember you are not the only one going through this experiences and there might be someone who already passed through it and could share a good advice.

Stay Open minded and Receptive! You are about to start a life changing experience.

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