J. Addison School – nurturing tomorrow’s thinkers

J. Addison School

J. Addison School

nurturing tomorrow’s thinkers

J. Addison School Elite Basketball

Elite Basketball Program Overview

At J. Addison School, we provide our students with opportunities for growth in all facets of life: intellectually, socially, and personally. Our Elite Basketball Program was designed with this in mind to aid in developing our student-athletes’ innate talent and to have them reach their greatest potential. With an experienced coaching staff, a nurturing team and school environment, and a competitive basketball schedule, players will learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, self-discipline, as well as how to deal with adversity when trying to realize their personal goals. Our Elite Basketball Teams regularly compete against strong, accomplished teams through scrimmages and by participating in prestigious tournaments across Canada and the United States. Join us by taking part in our tryouts every year. By building upon their foundations we empower our student-athletes to succeed at the next level and in life.


Elite Girls Basketball

Elite Boys Basketball

Coming Soon

Elite Basketball Program Testimonials

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